Looking for a therapist?
Daniel Silver is a registered psychotherapist in North Hobart who works with individuals and couples. His areas of experience include anxiety, depression, ADHD, recurring dreams, relationship issues and childhood trauma.
Daniel is a certified practicing member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA Reg. 28526), and a provisional registrant of the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
Specialty areas:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger
- Dreams
- Life stage transition
- Childhood trauma
- Couples therapy
“Daniel has my strongest recommendation. He is a warm and compassionate therapist who has a great deal of experience helping individuals and families.” - Dr Jason Bos, Psychologist
Daniel’s primary approach is called psychodynamic psychotherapy (also called existential psychotherapy).
This approach focuses on building a unique relationship based on insight and self-awareness, to explore and address the influence of unconscious processes and patterns on life and relationships.
A typical session involves exploring your thoughts and feelings in the context of related events, memories, dreams, and other relationships. We take an inclusive view of feelings of anxiety, frustration or despair, recognising that these feelings can often have deep roots, and require listening and understanding in order to navigate life without becoming overwhelmed or reactive.
What distinguishes this approach from others (such as CBT, DBT or EMDR) is the special emphasis on relationship dynamics, including the relationship between therapist and patient.
︎ 0423 103 659 |︎ danielsilver@mailbox.org
︎Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.
PACFA Reg. Clinical 28562
ABN 22123206124
︎Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.
PACFA Reg. Clinical 28562
ABN 22123206124