Daniel Silver

Counselling & Psychotherapy

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Counselling & Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples.
Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.


If you are trying to navigate your life with more insight and awareness, or trying to overcome patterns, thoughts and feelings which are negatively impacting your mental health and relationships, this site will help you decide if my approach might be right for you.

Benefits of Therapy 

People start therapy for a range of reasons, some of which are related to mental health, such as overwhelming anxiety or insecurity, feeling depressed, intrusive thoughts or disturbing dreams. Others are more general goals for personal growth and self-development.

Beyond alleviating the symptoms of distress, therapy offers a unique relationship with someone trained and experienced to help you grow and heal, in a caring, focused, non-judgmental environment.

Read more about My Approach︎︎︎

Book an Appointment︎︎︎

Support for Couples 

If you and your partner are struggling to understand each other or getting stuck in conflict, couples therapy can help you work through issues in a way that helps you grow together and feel more connected.

The primary way that I work with couples is called Emotion-Focused Therapy. This approach works by exploring the underlying emotions that are often at the heart of differences or conflict in your relationship, which can be hidden under layers of despair and frustration.

Read more about couples therapy︎︎︎
︎“Daniel has my strongest recommendation. He is a warm and compassionate therapist who has a great deal of experience helping individuals and families.”
- Dr Jason Bos, Psychologist

“I’m very happy to recommend Daniel Silver. I was full of trepidation before my first session as I’d never really attended therapy before. Daniel put my mind at ease and was very easy to talk to. He has really helped me to move forward in my life and reframe my thinking after many years of trying to ignore past situations that had negatively impacted on me.”
- Mel, Hobart

︎ 0423 103 659 |︎ danielsilver@mailbox.org
︎Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.
PACFA Reg. 28562
ABN 22123206124