Daniel Silver

Counselling & Psychotherapy

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Couples Therapy

If you and your partner are struggling to understand each other, or getting stuck in conflict, couples therapy can help you work through your differences in way that allows you grow together and feel more connected.

My Approach

The primary way that I work with couples is called Emotion-Focused Therapy.

This approach works by exploring the underlying emotions that are often at the heart of differences or conflict in your relationship, which can be hidden under layers of despair and frustration.

It is a medium term process, where my role is to guide each of you to connect with those underlying emotions, and share them with your partner in a way that allows you to be fully heard.

As a couples therapist, I take a perspective that is always focused on helping you get better at holding what is diffcult, and reshaping your patterns of communication so that they bring you closer together.

Over time, this can be an immensley rewarding experience for couples, as you learn to share and be heard in your vulnerability, in the safety and care of a therapeutic space.

Some couples use therapy to raise issues which are difficult to raise at home, or repair their relationship after a rupture in trust. Others want help with unresolved issues from the past, which are surfacing in the relationship, and need to be worked through.

If you and your partner would like to try couples therapy for your relationship, follow the link below to enquire about the availability of appointments.

Book an appointment︎︎︎

You can also keep reading for some common questions and answers.

Common Questions

How much does it cost?
$160 per session (50min).

How frequent are sessions?
Most couples start weekly or fortnightly. 

What is the difference between couples therapy, marriage counselling and relationship counselling?
These terms are all synonymous for essentially the same thing: a way of helping your relationship heal and grow. This is irrespective of whether you are married or de facto, or in a same sex or queer relationship. Though aspects of your experience together may specifically relate to your history, identity or culture, counselling is an inclusive and respectful way of helping you build a secure, fulfilling connection with your partner.

What type of therapist is best for couples therapy?
The best type of therapist is one with whom you feel like you can develop a good working relationship. Most therapists are skilled and effective, but they differ in style, and finding the one for your relationship is a personal choice.

Does couples therapy mean the end of a relationship?

The majority of relationships improve through therapy, but ending can be a part of even healthy relationships. So, if in the course of therapy you and your partner decide to separate, therapy can offer a way to do so consciously and with care.

Should I do couples therapy or individual therapy?
If you are not sure, get in touch to discuss your situation.

Do you offer online counselling?

What is your approach?
My approach to couples therapy is emotion-focused. This means I work with you and your partner to tune in to each other’s emotions in a way that helps each of you feel understood within your differences. From there it becomes possible to find more space for genuine care and intimacy, without falling into recurring patterns of defensiveness or contempt.

To enquire about the availability of appointments, please contact me︎︎︎

︎ 0423 103 659 |︎ danielsilver@mailbox.org
︎Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.
PACFA Reg. 28562
ABN 22123206124