Daniel Silver

Counselling & Psychotherapy

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Adult ADHD

These days, many adults are recognising the symptoms of ADHD in themselves, which may have gone undiagnosed in early life, but which profoundly effect how they navigate the world.

ADHD is a relatively common neurodevelopmental condition that affects 5-10% of Australian children. The main symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both. Like all mental health conditions, the causes of ADHD are both genetic and environmental.

A formal ADHD diagnosis requires an assessment by a psychiatrist, and begins with a referral from your GP. The main treatments are medication and psychotherapy, with many people finding medication especially helpful for improving basic functioning.

It is also common for people with ADHD to seek therapy for help with related psychological and emotional issues, such as the impact of early childhood experiences, relationship difficulties, frustration and grief.

If you are looking for a therapist who has experience working with people with ADHD, please get in touch︎︎︎

Please note I am unable to provide a formal assessment, diagnosis, or psychiatric referral. My approach is specifically focused on your lived experience of the condition.

︎ 0423 103 659 |︎ danielsilver@mailbox.org
︎Suite 5, 3B Pitt Street, North Hobart.
PACFA Reg. 28562
ABN 22123206124